COVID-19 Best Practice Responses
We aim to share business responses and implemented ideas from all around the world over the coming weeks. These bulletins will cover many areas and practices and we hope you will respond by converting useful ones into your work situations, discarding any that are not relevant and feeding back new ideas and questions that arise as a result. As we build our response, we will become more focused on specific areas of need.
The impact of COVID-19 on Egypt and its transport and logistics sector: Egypt
Protecting the frontline staff in any operation: Ireland
Frontline driver protection in bus transport: Ireland
How to prepare for resuming supply chain operations globally: China
Strategies to handle COVID-19 in global shipping: Ireland
A battleground experienced in fighting pandemics but vulnerable to COVID-19: Africa
Ensuring that logistics and transport is seen by government as an essential and integrated sector: Malaysia
Road, rail and air impacts in Canada: North America
Integrated supply chains and how safety decisions can create significant disruption: Sri Lanka
Share Your Experience

Many businesses and organisations are struggling in this uncertain global crisis. We want to build an understanding of the global situation for the supply chain, logistics and transport sector, and share best practice as a result.
Our President, Dato’ Ts Abd Radzak Abd Malek has asked members in all countries to do local research and build up a local response to a series of questions.
This week we would like members and country offices to consider and comment on their local supply chain response to shortages in medicines and food.
We would like members and all country offices to feedback a summary of their current experience and understanding on this topic to Keith Newton, by the end of Tuesday 21st April 2020.
Join the Discussion
We will be holding a global online discussion to follow up on the content of this bulletin. Members will be able to listen to expert advice and contribute to building our CILT best practice approach to the crisis.
Registration details will follow shortly.
Education Updates
As part of our fortnightly bulletins, we will be giving you updates on what is happening in the area of education and training, and what is happening to support our CILT members and family around the world.
Training Provider survey
A Training Provider survey was sent out to all colleges, universities and training partners, running our CILT internationally accredited programmes. We have had a tremendous response with over 60% of all providers offering us insight into their local challenges. We have now carried out the analysis and will be working with countries and training partners as to how we can respond to your needs as students and members considering taking courses. This is planned to enable our training courses to continue in this restricted environment, and to take account of local circumstances which are very different across the world. Look out for further details in the next bulletin.
Spotlight on courses available now
Each bulletin will give us a chance to tell you about CILT training courses that are still running and available for the international community to join. We are going to showcase courses that different countries are running and this week it’s the turn of the UK:
PTRC (the part of CILT UK providing transport planning courses) are moving their most popular courses online to help you keep up on your CPD hours remotely. The courses will be delivered face to face with the trainers, and will have the same course work, workshops and interactivity as those delivered in the classroom, allowing for the same level of learning. To find out more about the topics click here. To register on these courses in April-May, please visit our website or email
Event Updates
Africa Forum
International Convention
Stay in Touch
Please keep in touch with us via our social media platforms and website. Online communications are increasingly important, especially during times of social isolation, and this is an easy way of engaging with the Institute and the latest developments in our industry globally.
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Alongside our sharing of best practice we also want to share good news stories, and logistics and transport stories of international interest for members to engage with. If you’d like us to share your story, article, or podcast please get in touch at: