15th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems (ICLS 2020)

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of Organizing Committee ofthe ICLS2020, we kindly invite you to join the Virtual Event – 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON LOGISTICS AND SCM SYSTEMS,  28-29 June 2021, Poznan, Poland  


The theme of ICLS 2020is“Logistics and supply chain management challenges and opportunities in the COVID-19 World – Smart, agile and sustainable trends, methods and practices”

Conference topics include (not limited to):Covid-19 related disruptions in supply chains, new solutions in logistics dedicated to e-commerce, contactless last-mile delivery, pandemic related uncertainty and countering strategies in supply chains, supply chain resilience, supply chain innovations, new technologies supporting logistics and supply chain management, sustainability in logistics, circular supply chain practices.


The accepted papers will be included in the edited volume published by Springer. The selected papers will be recommended for the publication in the associated journals, as follows:

·        ·         International Journal of Logistics-Research and Applications IF 2.152 (SSCI): special issue of  “Circular Supply Chain Practices”

·        ·         International Journal of Logistics-Research and Applications IF 2.152 (SSCI): special issue of  “Industry 3.5 for sustainable supply chain management”

·        ·         Maritime Business Review (Scopus and ProQuest)

·        ·         LogForum (indexed in the WoS and Scopus),

·        ·         International Journal of Logistics and SCM Systems,

·        ·         other indexed journals (to be announced later)

Important dates

Abstract submission Notification date Full paper submissionRegistrationdeadlineConference
 30.05.2021 10.06.2021 25.06.2021 25.06.2021 28-29.06.2021

Contact info

More information about the conference can be found at the conference website:  http://icls.put.poznan.pl/

Please do not hesitate and contact us: icls2020@put.poznan.pl

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the ICLS2020 Conference

Dr. Monika Kosacka – Olejnik

Faculty of Engineering Management,
Poznan University of Technology,
Rychlewskiego 2 Str., 60-965 Poznan, Poland