All “Strategy” topics

Spinning its wheels: the new national transport plan steers NZ back to a car-dependent past

The Government’s new National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) could easily have been renamed the “highway funding project”, given its intense focus on road building. Released this month, the plan outlines funding priorities for the next three years. If it comes to fruition, much of the spending will be driven into major highway schemes, and steered away from sustainable transport alternatives for the main cities. 

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Laying the groundwork for a future where transport infrastructure supports and enhances our way of life

The government’s new transport strategy encompasses a broad pipeline of work, focusing on both immediate improvements and long-term developments. It shifts the focus for transport investment from three-year short-term thinking to a more ambitious and aspirational 10-year framework. This will help to give certainty and stability to delivery partners both in the local government and construction sectors.

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Understanding South Island freight challenges

Freight has been a prominent agenda item for South Island regional councillors in recent months. Supply chain disruptions and the recent government direction to reduce transport-sector greenhouse gas emissions have heightened interest in the topic.

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Driving down emissions

Unsurprisingly, the Emissions Reduction Plan – released on May 16 – requires actions across every sector of the economy including transport, energy and industry, building and construction, agriculture, forestry, waste and fluorinated gases.

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E-commerce in New Zealand: Where next?

The pandemic has pushed kiwis to shop online more than ever before and parcels moving through NZ Post’s network are up an astonishing 25 per cent year-on-year. Peter Jones discusses latest e-commerce trends and offers thoughts on where this rapid growth is heading.

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National Land Transport Programme

The GPS outlines the Government’s transport priorities to guide investment in the land transport system during the next 10 years. It is reviewed every three years and determines how money from the NLTF will be co-invested with local government in a range of activities to maintain, renew, operate, and improve the land transport system.

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