All “Policy” topics

Laying the groundwork for a future where transport infrastructure supports and enhances our way of life

The government’s new transport strategy encompasses a broad pipeline of work, focusing on both immediate improvements and long-term developments. It shifts the focus for transport investment from three-year short-term thinking to a more ambitious and aspirational 10-year framework. This will help to give certainty and stability to delivery partners both in the local government and construction sectors.

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Decarbonising transport: Let the market decide or help it to?

In sectors like electricity generation, or polluting manufacturing, system-level changes can be implemented by influencing the behaviour of a manageable number of players. In transport, however, decarbonisation does not occur until millions of vehicle-owning households choose to adopt cleaner transport technologies or modes. Influencing their choices is much more challenging.

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New rules around public transport ownership

Transport Minister Hon Michael Wood has announced new rules that could allow councils to own their public transport. The new transport plan involves the Government dropping the current Public Transport Operating Model (PTOM) and replacing it with a Sustainable Public Transport Framework, and the Land Transport Management Act will also be amended.

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National Land Transport Programme

The GPS outlines the Government’s transport priorities to guide investment in the land transport system during the next 10 years. It is reviewed every three years and determines how money from the NLTF will be co-invested with local government in a range of activities to maintain, renew, operate, and improve the land transport system.

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Rail NetWork Investment Programme

The RNIP is KiwiRail’s response to deliver on the Government’s strategic direction for rail, informed through the New Zealand Rail Plan and Government Policy Statement on Land Transport. The primary direction has been to invest in a resilient, reliable, and safe railway network.

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PTOM: netWorks expand, access increased, services more affordable

The Public Transport Operating Model (PTOM) was envisaged as a collaborative opportunity for councils and bus operators throughout the country to plan, procure, and deliver a near perfect network service. In reality it has been a headache for many, in some cases leading to a decline in working conditions and a decrease in commerciality.

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GPS 2021

The GPS puts the Government policy stamp on the spending by the National Land Transport Fund. Over the next ten years most spending will be on roads and their safety, improvement and maintenance.

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