September 2021 articles

Managing vehicle-related risks from supply chain pressures

Acknowledging the interconnected factors that determine wellbeing are particularly complex in a supply chain setting, WorkSafe commissioned an evidentially based investigation of solutions to minimise vehicle-related risks that emanate from supply chain pressures in Transport, Postal, Warehousing and Manufacturing (TPWM).

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Rail NetWork Investment Programme

The RNIP is KiwiRail’s response to deliver on the Government’s strategic direction for rail, informed through the New Zealand Rail Plan and Government Policy Statement on Land Transport. The primary direction has been to invest in a resilient, reliable, and safe railway network.

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PTOM: netWorks expand, access increased, services more affordable

The Public Transport Operating Model (PTOM) was envisaged as a collaborative opportunity for councils and bus operators throughout the country to plan, procure, and deliver a near perfect network service. In reality it has been a headache for many, in some cases leading to a decline in working conditions and a decrease in commerciality.

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