A New Institute for a New Era
11th December 2019
At our Manchester Convention in June we announced that CILT International & CILT UK would come together in order to –
- Create a Global Institute for a Global Profession
- Deliver enhanced value to our members
- Combine resources to allow investment in education & membership services globally
This is planned to enable –
- The creation of the leading Global Institute for Transport & Logistics Professionals
- The development of a sound platform for future growth
- That we reflect the changing dynamics in our membership needs
- That we retain all that is good presently & the sharing of best practice
- The reinforcement of the clarity of who we are – One Brand One Identity
What progress have we made?
- We have created a project plan of 9 Tracks
- We have started on Tracks 1, 3, 4, 6 & 8
- The Education Track (Track 3) is the first track to have a joint UK & International team focusing on product and growth
- We have been making changes to each Board to enable the necessary platform to begin work on a plan to move to a single Board over the next two years.
- We remain committed to there being no change to country relationships & delegation agreements & that will be a principle built into Track 4
- We have agreed a review process with Sir Peter Hendy & Paul Sainthouse continuing to take an overview of progress in 2020
- Keith Newton & Kevin Richardson continue to have joint responsibility for the outcomes as directed by both sets of Trustees with reference to Dato Radzak Malek as the incoming International President and Alan Jones who took on the Chairmanship of CILT UK in November & remains an International Trustee.
What are the main actions we expect over the next two months?
- We plan to have a joint meeting with the Boards to agree the detailed Vision of the new organisation in January 2020 (Tracks 2 & 3)
- We plan to share the outputs of that meeting afterwards with the Reference Group and with the IMC, for further development later in January & February
- We expect to create our main education track recommendations by the end of February (Track 3)
- We will begin to create a plan to specify by June 2020 the governance changes to achieve one Board (Track 4)
What are the main questions to resolve so far identified?
- The detailed clarity of vision of the new global organisation that all existing and new members can embrace and empathise with. This will be agreed at the joint meeting of the Trustees in January previously referred to.
- The organisation structure that both enables a single organisation, and a proper division of responsibilities & governance, and services every country with business as usual, as set out in Manchester in June.
- The platform that enables the budget for October 2020 – September 2021 to be set for 1st October 2020 as a combined operating budget covering education, branding and governance. This will see the merging of operational capability into a merged organisation structure. Whilst we undergo discussions with the Privy Council the membership income paid to CILT under the delegation agreements and associated costs will be within a budget for CILT.
- The detailed charity changes and the process with the Privy Council that has to be planned out, This is expected to take up to 2 years to complete with the objective of creating a single charity
When will we hear next?
We are making a commitment to communicate to the whole of CILT every two months starting from December 2019. This will be sent to the country branches and territories for communicating onto members. The communication is an internal one and not to be shared with our competitors. Please use the reference group and your regional International Vice Presidents to feed back any comments or questions.
We both wish every CILT member worldwide the compliments of the season.
Sir Peter Hendy
CILT International President
Paul Sainthouse
CILT UK President